Occupationakl Therapy Helps Kids

In Loving Memory

Theresa Garrison

1954 - 2017

"A very caring person who was always
available to help those in need."

Leave Your Message for Theresa

"I am not sure if it was the Ovaltine or the messages in the Little Orphan Annie decoder pin that my parents grew up with but somehow they knew how to raise intelligent, successful children. I have long said that Theresa was the brightest of the Caskey children; she was brilliant. In our high school we received a letter grade and possibly one or more numbers. It was common for Theresa to receive an A+ and whatever number stood for "lack of effort"; school was that easy for her. In our house it was a sin to receive the "lack of effort number" which is probably why I do not remember the number. Many of you may not be aware that Theresa never graduated from High School; she went off to college after her junior year. Theresa could have gone in many directions in life yet she chose a life of service to others as an occupational therapist. I recall a Thanksgiving evening during college when I visited a friends house and Manny Solomon, the father of a friend of mine, told me that Theresa had helped him after surgery on his hand, and that she was an angel. He was effusive in his praise for her as so many were. Theresa later went on to work in the school district and over the past few days I was privileged to see her referred to as an angel again by the parent of a student she assisted. She had a quiet way about her yet she impacted so many lives in so many ways. As a teenager I was very proud when my sister Theresa asked me to play guitar and sing at her wedding. She loved John Denver and asked that I sing Annie’s Song which I did with pride. My mother wanted the song “Send In The Clowns” sung at the wedding and when I mentioned to Theresa that this was not really a typical wedding song, she just smiled and said, “ah, sing it when Mom walks down the aisle”. Theresa smiled at me during her wedding when Mom was walking down the aisle to “Send In The Clowns”. Theresa and I shared a love of science and psychology. I remember one time in the 1970’s coming to her excited to share my learnings about neuro linguistic programming also known as NLP and the two scientists Bandler and Grinder who developed the concepts. She listened intently as I shared my newfound knowledge and when I was finished she reached over to her bookshelf to grab a copy of the book “Frogs Into Princes” by Bandler and Grinder; of course she was already familiar with the subject. Theresa was a master of NLP and long before I had children I watched her use NLP techniques to redirect her children in positive ways. When other parents would say things like “don’t touch the tv” she would simply redirect her children by saying something like “can you please bring me my glass?” or ”where is your doll”? I learned a lot about parenting from her long before I even contemplated being a parent. She raised four wonderful children and she was very proud of them all as I am proud to have them as nieces and nephews. My fondest memories of Theresa will be of her standing in her kitchen at Christmas Time with her house decorated to the nines. Theresa always stood by ready to make sure that everyone was enjoying themselves, fully fed and with a glass of cheer in their hand. To this day I do not understand where she stored all those holiday decorations in that tiny house of hers. No doubt she somehow mastered laws of physics allowing her to compress a house full of Christmas decorations into a “singularity” stored in her attic next to the Halloween decorations hidden behind the Easter items. Theresa was the original Energizer Bunny, always buzzing and baking around the holiday season. If she knew that you had a favorite cookie or treat she made sure that you went home with an ample supply of whatever you liked. I loved her walnuts wrapped in dates and her peanut butter cookies with the Hershey's kisses in the center. After presenting me with a multi-month supply of the goodies she would send me to her basement to select additional cookies from the dozens, and dozens, and dozens, and dozens, of varieties that she had baked. Did I say dozens? There were actually more. Theresa never did anything small around the holidays, picture a basement filled with tons of cookies, in many varieties, double what you picture and you still will not imagine half of what she prepared annually. Christmas will not be the same without Theresa. Theresa was one of the Caskey’s who was not so comfortable saying I Love You to other Caskey’s. Over the past few months whenever I left her, I hugged her and said I Love you to her and she dutifully said “I know”, which was her way of saying “I Love You Too”. When I visited just before leaving for Japan as I was leaving I gave her a kiss and a hug, I said I love you, and as I walked out of the room, she said “I Love You Too”. Today I say one last goodbye, I love you Theresa, you certainly will be missed".
Paul Caskey
"to aubrey,heather,ryan and seth. i do not know if you remember me but i babysat for each of you when you were babies. sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. she was an amazing lady and will be missed.".
pat hart
"Dave Words may not suffice to express the heartfelt sorrow that I feel for the passing of your wife. Please accept my condolences.".
Sandra Paul
"Sincerest sympathies to the Caskey family from the Congdon family.".
James Congdon
"My deepest sympathy to you all. You have such a beautiful family sending love and prayers for you all may good memories help to ease your pain".
Susan LaBella
"Deepest sympathy to you all. Theresa fought valiantly. She will be deeply missed by students and colleagues.".
"Deepest sympathy to you all. Theresa fought valiantly. She will be deeply missed by students and colleagues.".
"Deepest sympathy to you all. Theresa touched the lives of so many children and colleagues. She fought valiantly and will truly be missed. Susan Dyer".
Susan Dyer
"Aunt Theresa, you are finally free of all illness and pain. You were an amazing Aunt to me, both of my children and my granddaughter. You will be great missed! Fly high Aunt Theresa...I love you!!! Love always, Carrie".
Carrie Cupillari
"You will be sorely missed T. Your suffering is over but the suffering of those who remain behind is only beginning. Soar with the angels, my dear cousin.".
Barbara Ellefson
"My deepest sympathy to the family of this great woman. She will truly be missed by all who knew her. It was a pleasure working with her.".
Deborah Daniel
"Our condolences to Theresa's family- she was such a kind woman who helped my son and other students so much. She will be missed. May she rest in eternal Peace.".
Kik Family
"Dear Theresa, You were always so generous with your time and advice during my tenure at Pleasantdale. I have learned so much from you and I will always be forever grateful for your kindness.You were always a true professional. I have cherished all our family stories we have shared together. What I missed about Pleasantdale most was your delicious Christmas treats. Each year I looked forward to those scrumptious chocolate bake goods. I still can't understand how or when you had the time. You always had this ability to make all tasks look so simple. You have shown so much courage and strength. You are truly a role model for me. Thank you for your friendship. I miss you with all my heart. Sanhita".
"Thinking of you all and sending you love. Theresa will be missed and never forgotten. She touched so many people's lives. Deepest sympathies. Love, Cheryl".
Cheryl Ellefson
"I have lots of good memories growing up next door to the Caskeys. Theresa and I became fast friends, walking to and from Jefferson, then MJH, then Columbia. Walks where the conversation was mostly silly and occasionally serious. Talking about life, family, school/teachers, and of course boys. She was a great friend, I'm glad she was part of my life growing up.".
Candy (Jones) Johnson
"I am so terribly sorry to read of Theresa's passing. We worked together for many years at HCO. She was always a fierce advocate for her patients at the hospital, so I can just imagine how she was with children. Our world will be poorer without her. I KNOW you all have lots of Theresa stories, so keep her memory alive by telling them. R.I.P. Theresa.".
Cathy Asch, PT
"My deepest sympathy to all of you. I am humbled to have met and worked with Theresa. What a lovely woman and such a loving family. Healing energy for all of you.".
Lynn Langone
"When this time of bitter tears passes when your river of tears has run into the sea, The day will come when the sun will sparkle on that sea When the knowledge that Theresa' illness was vanquished When memories of all the good time come When the loss of the beautiful woman Theresa embraces you Then she will be with you always and life will go on to a different beat than before".
Mom Caskey
"Theresa I am at a loss for words. I am writing this to you because I am certain that wherever you may be at the moment that you can read it. You were a wonderfull daughter an excellent Mother, Grandmother, wife, teacher etc. A very caring person who was always available to help those in need. Usually you were the first one there when help was needed. I can remember the many times you came to my aid when I had physical problems. Well your time on this Planet is over and you lived your life admirably. The pain is over and now it is time for you to rest with the angels and help to look over us. Mom and I miss you. When our time comes we will join you to help look after our family's.".
Dad Caskey